Matryoshkas in Watercolor

Matryoshka dolls, generally known as Russian nesting dolls, are traditional dolls that are made up of wooden material. The nation has been making them for over a century, and they are delivered worldwide. You will see the uniqueness in every doll. These beautiful dolls are made by hand; thus, you will really see a fine work on these dolls. The face, the dress, the adornments of every matryoshka vary from one another. Because of that, the painting techniques that should be used to paint these adorable dolls must be identified in the very beginning phase. There are different elements for painting the matryoshka, such as oil paint, acrylic, watercolor, and tempera. Depending upon the situation, the color pattern is used to get the different color and transparency effects. The nesting dolls artists know very well which technique of coloring will be most suitable or appropriate. They make use of their creative idea, and that reflects in their finished product. Several highlighting elements are also utilized to enhance the beauty of the dolls. For example, artists use photographs to sketch a landscape in the background, tempera for the face, and watercolor to color the decorations.
Watercolor, an ancient technique in the service of Russian art
One of the popular ways of painting the matryoshka is watercolor. Painters create a wonderful design of matryoshkas with watercolor. Several features of the watercolor make it a friend of doll painters. The water paint is applied easily on any surface and quickly gets mixed. The fluid nature of the watercolor helps in painting uniformly on any platform. One rich quality about the watercolor is that you can make practically endless varieties of subtleties by diluting them in water. And will be blessed with transparency and gradients. These things make artists select the watercolor for decorating the nesting dolls. The watercolor that is present in the current time comprises hued pigments that are limited by gum arabic. It is water dissolvable; thus, a wet brush applied to watercolor cans can extricate the tint. This method of utilizing water-dissolvable colors was utilized in times long past, regardless of whether in Egypt or China. Most of the Chinese work of art was completely founded on the strategy of watercolor that delivers ethereal, beautiful, and astonishing products. The expense of watercolor is regularly more prudent than different kinds of paints because it easily gets diluted in the water. But it does not relate to the bad quality matryoshka. The quality of the dolls will be of standard quality. However, the artist can make awesome matryoshka with their creation and watercolor. And most experienced artists use these colors to embark on a creation. The different color option offers easiness to the painters to make matryoshkas extraordinary. The skilled workers additionally apply a layer of varnish or different fixers, gum arabic with watercolor.
The way toward making and painting the matryoshka dolls are still unaltered. The artist creates them with hands and makes use of their creation to produce fantastic nesting dolls. It takes impeccable ability and strategy to ensure that all dolls are indistinguishable and appear as a machine paints them. Playing with matryoshka dolls takes us back to the 80s. However, if you are also interested in enjoying the nesting dolls’ beauty, you can buy them from our online store We have a good collection of matryoshka to make you think twice about how these adorable dolls are created.